
George Mukwita, co-host of our weekly radio show and frequent blog contributor writes:

Kanji (above) is back. Known for the one and only album she released almost ten years ago under the Sling Beats label featuring songs such as Mr Big Star and Chi Daddy, Kanji also worked with the likes of Ozzy, Ty2 and K’millian, just to mention a few, back in the day.

Now Kanji makes her return and this time with a gospel offering. She has been away, focusing on her career as well as her family and other business ventures. Despite the whirlwind that is her life, she has been called back to do that which she is most passionate about – music. This time her offering is a gospel album and in her own words “the gift of song was given to me solely for this purpose.”

Kanji has toyed around with the idea of participating in public ministry through the music but had to take time out to really reflect and arrive at a place of peace. Gospel music is not just about singing songs, ultimately it’s about singing songs that will minister and they must therefore be divinely inspired. So, Kanji sings again.

She is a legal practitioner who believes in the value and worth of education. “The need to go to school cannot be over emphasized. When one is given an opportunity to learn and upgrade oneself, one must seize it with both hands. Education is power; it is the spring board from which one can be propelled to achieve great things. It is the foundation, the root from which excellence germinates and is built.” She says.

A strong believer in the worth and dignity of a woman, Kanji is passionate about female role models who inspire a positive message, especially in the younger generation. To build a sense of worth and self-esteem in the girls and women of this generation and a richness and fullness of character she says that you do not have to conform to the latest trends, the bubblegum whims that toss you around and lead you to a place called nowhere. To truly be loved and feel loved you must first have love for self.

Meanwhile Kanji’s latest song Intungulushi featuring gospel rapper Magg 44 is currently doing well on the local Zambian radio charts.

(Info courtesy of www.itsretunes.com)