
A firm favourite on the Chanters Lodge menu! We serve Kapenta in 3 different ways. Fresh, shallow fried as a starter. Dried, cooked with onion, tomato and garlic. For both these dishes we use the smaller variety of the fish. Then, we have our new speciality the larger ‘Mpulungu Kapenta’ cooked with groundnuts, onion and tomato and served with Nsima and pumpkin leaves! Mmm! Delicious!

This from Lusaka Times

Kapenta, a type of fish also known as small fresh water sardine, has several chemical compositions that help reduce the risk of various diseases including prostate cancer. Kapenta is a small fresh water sardine that originated from Lake Tanganyika.

Two species are known to exist; the Limnothrissa miodon and the Stolothrisssa Tanganicae. Both these species are planktivorous and pelagic. It has several other names in countries where it is found. A recent chemical composition analysis of kapenta by the National Food and Nutrition Commission (NFNC) shows a great variation in the nutrient composition for the dry and fresh fish.

NFNC principal nutritionist Mr Musonda Mofu says dry kapenta contains 209 calories of food energy compared with 85 calories of food energy in fresh Kapenta. In addition, dry Kapenta contains 63 grammes of protein and only 16 grammes in fresh Kapenta. Overall this shows that, per portion, there are more benefits in dry kapenta than in fresh Kapenta.

The nutrition problems of iron deficiency and vitamin A deficiency can also be addressed by consuming kapenta as it has a high content of these minerals. Overall, 8.5 miligrammes (mg) of iron can be derived from dry Kapenta and 2.1 mg from fresh Kapenta.

In general, Kapenta is a healthy food and very rich in protein. It also has low levels of saturated fat and is a rich source for omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. As a result of this chemical composition, Kapenta, like other fishes, may reduce the risk of disease including prostate cancer, depending on the frequency of consumption.

Kapenta is also rich in Vitamin B12, which is important in the promotion of cardiovascular well being since it is intricately tied to keeping levels of homocysteine in balance. Homocysteine can damage artery walls and elevated levels could be a risk for atherosclerosis. Allergic reactions can occur from virtually any food. A number of allergic reactions to kapenta have been reported.

Oral allergies in which the mouth itches or tingles after eating kapenta are common in some individuals. Other reactions have been linked to anaphylaxis which is a severe systemic reaction in which the body releases large amounts of histamine. When allergies are observed, it is recommended to see a doctor for assessment and advice.

Kapenta is key on the menus of many Zambians. It can be used to promote protein consumption especially among the poor. Consumption of whole kapenta is also helpful as the intestines of kapenta provide a rich source of micronutrients.